The Loop

Slash gets a divorce and a Wrigleyville tattoo

Slash filed for divorce last week and then promptly inked a new tattoo on his neck with two sets of coordinates.  One points to the Woodland Hills neighborhood in Los Angeles.  The other is smack dab in the middle of Chicago’s Wrigleyville.  Directly in front of Wrigleyville Dogs to be exact. 

Is Slash a huge fan of Red Hots?  Or maybe his coordinates are slightly off and it’s actually something to do with The Metro across the street?  Cubby Bear down the street?  Or maybe it points to where he met his girlfriend Megan who, as pointed out on some fan sites, also has those coordinates on her wrist and lived in Chicago when GNR was working on some new songs here in June 1989?

Maybe Slash will explain at some point.  Meanwhile, civilization trudges on…
