The Loop

SAMMY HAGAR-This Car Drives 55 Standing Still

Sammy Hagar’s $1.6 million La Ferrari will be on display at The Quail auto show at the Quail Lodge and Golf Club in Carmel, California tomorrow .

Hagar was one of 499 people in the world to order the car in 2014, and he took delivery of it a year ago. It’s white with a black and beige interior, boasts a V-12 gas-plus-electric-motor that generates 950 horsepower, and goes from zero to 60 miles-per-hour in three seconds. When he ordered it he said, “I see a lot of cool stuff out there, sure, but then I think, ‘Wait, I’m so hot for a car that could well be the best there is.’ It’s like thinking about eating a hot dog when you’ve got this tasty Italian sausage waiting for you.”
