The Loop

Brian May -Can’t Stop Him Now

Queen guitarist Brian May is on the mend after taking time off this fall to address undisclosed medical ailments.

In a end-of-year post on his website he writes, “I’ve been going through some radical and painful changes in my life, not because I’m any kind of brave soul, but simply because I had to. Sometimes it’s move your ass or die… However…although there is a lot of sadness to deal with, I feel like the blood is beginning to flow properly in my veins again.”

He suggests four things to do if you need some help with physical or mental problems.

The Seven Minute Workout app.
A meditation app called Headspace.
A self-help book titled The Language of Letting Go.
The Serenity Prayer.
He closes by saying, “OK — there’s a number-five. And maybe in the end this the most precious thing of all. Friends. There are some problems you cannot solve on your own. But with a trusted friend, you have 100 percent better chance. If you find a friend who trusts you, you can probably trust them. Share. And treasure your real friends. I do.”
