The Loop

Smashing Pumpkins Buy Drum Gear from Jimmy

After 20 years of collecting gear for his various projects, drummer Jimmy Chamberlin of The Smashing Pumpkins decided to sell more than 200 items from his personal collection to people who will play them regularly.

Today Chamberlin opened his online drum shop at where shoppers can buy gear ranging from the very cheap — seven bucks for a snare — to the very expensive — $15,000 for a 9-piece prototype Yamaha kit and $25,000 for the Maple Custom Yamaha he played on Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. And it’s not just drums and percussion — there are a some guitars, keyboards, amps, cases, microphones, speakers and even a trombone.

Many of the drums were played in the studio on Smashing Pumpkins recordings. Chamberlin has even posted a video on Reverb and YouTube that has him telling which of the drums for sale he played on which song.
