Abe Kanan


Abe Kanan:ON HOLD Episode 147 – 12/5/2017

Episode 147 topics…
1. Calling in sick
2. Album with people calling in sick
3. Waking up three minutes before school
4. Diarrhea is the magic word when calling in sick
5. Managers who talk sick people into working
6. Old people who have to push carts
7. Abe made fake college schedule when working retail
8. Points at retail stores
9. Weird song Abe sang while playing slot machine
10. Fake rich people at casino
11. A woman named Cookie who ate a whole fried chicken
12. Kids should learn to kick field goals
13. Fathers who want their kids to follow in their failing footsteps
14. Dancing, piano playing ,and kicking field goals

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