The Loop

We Gotta Have More Cowbell!

It's been 14 years since Christopher Walken and Will Ferrell unleashed the iconic Saturday Night Live sketch, "More Cowbell," but it still makes us laugh.  Which is exactly what was happening the day we knocked off several six-packs of 312 and thought it would be a great idea to do a whole weekend of cowbell songs.

A few days later, having committed it to the schedule, we thought, "Oh, sh**.  What ar we gonna do?  Play 'Don't Fear The Reaper' and 'Low Rider' and 'Mississippi Queen' over and over!?"

Luckily for us, there's this cool thing called the Interweb that turned us on to a few dozen Classic Rock songs with cowbell we hadn't really noticed.  You might be surprised.

See you this weekend when we "really explore the studio space."

