Plus Cow Chats with Eddie Money… MORE
Plus Cow Chats with Eddie Money… MORE
Our 40th Anniversary at Metallica’s SOLD OUT show at Soldier Field will be unforgettable, just like April’s last photo shoot! Check out the pictures here, and make sure to listen all next week for your last chances to win FREE tickets from The Loop!… MORE
Chris Hemsworth brings the hammer down on Iron Man, Spider-Man… MORE
Favorite rock solo efforts… MORE
Home surveillance camera reveals surprising visitor… MORE
Tim Virgin has your 40 years of Loop Rock History for 6/6… MORE
Plus Cow and crew talk to a caller who finds his wife’s friends less than savory… MORE
Chicago band Turnspit performs in JVOs car… MORE
JVO has your 40 years of Loop Rock History for 6/5… MORE
James VanOsdol has your 40 years of Loop Rock History for 6/4… MORE
James VanOsdol has your 40 years of Loop Rock History for 6/3… MORE
Rammstein performance cancelled over terrorist threat… MORE
Rockin Bike #3 has an owner!… MORE
Grey Poupon controversy, why Rocky 3 would be better if Adrian and Clugger Lang hooked up, and Abe got followed into shower by guy who wouldn’t stop waving at him. … MORE
Plus musician John Waite joins Cow… MORE
Tim Virgin has your 40 years of Loop Rock History for 6/2… MORE
Def Leppard is honored with a Loopie Award!… MORE
The season finale of ‘Amazing Race’ is tonight and Ratt plays Concord Music Hall tomorrow… MORE
Listen and watch “Run” … MORE